Monday, April 23, 2012

I love my slow cooker.

So, today I stayed home from work with my fevering 1-year-old.  After all day of her crying and getting medicated and watching her every guess at what's wrong?  Poor thing is doing some massive teething.  It's kickin' her butt.  Talk about stressful, and I'm totally exhausted.  So did I feel like making an elaborate, time-consuming dinner?  H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks No!

But I'm not one to pull a box out of the freezer and throw in the oven and wa-la! Dinner!  Nope.  Nor am I one to pick up the phone and .... knock-knock-knock Jimmy Johns!  Okay, SOMETIMES I am.
Anyhoo, I knew tonight was going to be a lazy kind of night.  So that means....Crock Pot!
About 7:30 this morning I threw a frozen pork loin roast in the slow cooker, poured some chicken broth and some seasoning in with it, turned it on low and forgot about it.

Later, about 5:30, I boiled a couple cups of water (threw in some seasonings) and added some white rice and let that simmer for 20 minutes.  While the rice was cookin', I chopped up some lettuce, cucumbers, green onion and turkey pepperoni and tossed it all together for a side salad. 

Slow Cooked pork loin, garlic butter rice and salad (lettuce, cucumber, green onion, strawberries, blue cheese and sunflower seeds with Ken's Lite Pomegranate Vinaigrette)

Super easy, super quick, super yummy!

Have eaten pork this way since I was little...with applesauce!  YUM!

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